Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Kennedi is 1 month Old

It's been awhile so I thought I would provide updates on how we are doing. Kennedi continues to grow like weeds and we got the confirmation at the doctor's on last week on Monday.

Kennedi went to the doctor for her 1 month check-up and here are her stats:
1) Weight - 10 pounds 4 oz - 75th-90th percentile
2) Height - 22 inches and 3/4 - 90th percentile
3) Head - 15 inches - 90th percentile

The doctor did want us to get ultrasounds of her hips to ensure she doesn't have hip displaysia (not sure how to spell it) because her 1st cousin Hanna had this. The ultrasound technician felt everything look good so we will wait to see what the doctor says.

She has been doing pretty good at night even though we still have our "rough" nights. I can't complain overall though if I can get 4 hr stretch I am happy. I am hoping one day that 4 hr stretch grows to 5, 6 etc :). She is a night owl still and likes to go to bed around 11 or 12 which is fine with me if she can sleep for four hrs. She usually eats non-stop it seems from 8 until bedtime, I call it filling her tank :).

I thought I would post some recent pictures of our Chunky Monkey (well she is not too chunky yet but love the nickname).

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