Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Well we are surviving the cold weather and lovely snow this winter. Kennedi got the chance to sit in the snow for the first time and wasn't really enjoying the time because she was so bundled up she couldn't move much, lol. I wanted to post pictures to show everyone our little snow bunny.

Also, tonight we tried the new bathtub we recieved as a gift from Steve and Terri - Kennedi LOVES the duck tub. Any new mom or soon to be mom, I totally recommend this little duck tub. You can get it at any walmart or target, it quacks too!

Kennedi is also eating baby food and loves her squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, sweet peas and fruits. She still hates green beans and I don't blame her at all for not liking the beans. She is also starting to drink out of a sippy cup or we are at least trying to get her to learn how to hold it. She decides most time she wants to chew on it and just bites down and uses it as a teething toy LOL.

PS..the one picture is what Kennedi's hair looks like each morning so we decided to finally record it and show it off to everyone. She has some serious bed head.

Now for the part you all were waiting of Miss Kennedi herself.

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