Sunday, October 5, 2008

It's been awhile....

It's been awhile since I have updated you so I thought I would take some time today and show you what a big girl Kennedi is. She is growing leaps and bounds and the doctor affirmed that at the 2 month appt on September 11.

12 pounds and 15 ounces
24 inches and 3/4

She still hates tummy time and has gotten smart enough to roll to one side to roll over to avoid tummy time. She is so interactive with her smiles and coo's and always want to let you know she is the queen bee in the house now.

Here are some pictures of Kennedi doing O-H-I-O, our little buckeye cheerleader :).

PS...can't believe Daddy was willing to do this with her even though he is a Go Blue fan...he seems to be enjoying it in the 1st picture. Thanks Daddy for helping me.




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